Non-photosynthetic Gorgonians?

darth tang

Active Member
I am not entirely new to this hobby. But I am new to this next venture I am considering. I currenttly have a 140 aggressive and a 55 seahorse with goby tank. My dad in a couple weeks is giving me another 55 gallon tank with two canister filters (not sure which route I am going yet with this tank.
Anyway, I am interested in the non-photosynthetic gorgonians. This site only lists one as available. The yellow one. I am however intersted in other filter feeding gorgonians. I have been trying to research but have had little luck. Does anyone have any expetise in this area. I am trying to add a bit of color to my tanks without going reef requiring the major light fixtures. I know my limitations and I don't think I am ready for a reef yet (money and time constraints).
So I am basically looking for a list of gorgonians that do not require lighting but feed through filtration/spot feeding of phytoplankton, brine/mysis shrimp and the like. Any help, suggestions, or thoughts are appreciated.
I understand they like a decent water flow rate and that isn't an issue, I can place them in a flow area, I just want to make sure I don't accidentally get one that requires lighting.
I wasn't really sure where to place this thread as it isn't fish and really isn't a reef question.


Active Member
I would place this in the reef forum even if a coral dont use light it is still a coral. I have sun polyps and they eat meat and plankton but there still a polyp that is a coral.