Non-pulsing xenia


I am having some real problems with my xenia. It is not pulsing at all. As I said in an earlier post, I moved it to a 55 gal reef and it hasn't been happy since. I have tested the water and all levels are A++++. I am running two powerheads for circulation, a millineum 3000 filter on the back, about 150 pounds of live rock, seaclone protien skimmer. For lighting I have two power compacts (Ican't remember who makes them, top something).
Livestock: 1 Pigmy angel, one tomatoe clown, one 7 line wrasse, two damsels that I have never been able to get out and one sailfin blennie. I also have a cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp, a few small crabs (can't remember name), and one spinny urchin.
I have never seen anything pick on it. How much light, i.e. how high should it be, does it need.
If anyone can help I would really appreciate it.


"Bright light and intermittent strong currents, with periods of little current" (Sprung/Delbeek Vol 2).
We have ours pretty close to the lights (and it's amazing what they'll do to get light - we've only had ours for a few weeks, and one stalk 'walked' to the neighboring rock in order to get out of the shadow of a bigger stalk). We don't have any intermittent, wave jets, so ours get somewhat constant current and have been OK with that.
Do you know what kind of Xenia it is? We also bought a Red Sea Xenia, which are apparently pretty fragile, and it melted down with in a few days. Our other Xenia is growing like crazy.


More light and a low steady current.... I suggest a wave maker or the cheaper way a timer with extra pieces for turning on the power heads and turning them off a few hours. that works for me


I have heard that xenia like a slightly higher pH (8.3-8.4) but I am not sure. I have two species, one pulses like mad, the other only a little. My ph is 8.0-8.2.
Try moving it around a bit.
I know this is kinda over due but I read that in captivity if the conditions are better than what they need the will stop pulsing. Isn't what they pulse for is oxygen. You may have a high level of dissolved oxygen.