noob anenome question for 28g


I have a 28g HQI with 150w and 36w(actinics)...tank is doing great all parameters are good. I have a few corals and im wanting a anemone. What kind of anemone would ya'll recomoend for a 28g.


Active Member
Originally Posted by emtguy
I have a 28g HQI with 150w and 36w(actinics)...tank is doing great all parameters are good. I have a few corals and im wanting a anemone. What kind of anemone would ya'll recomoend for a 28g.
Long term health I would say none.
However, providing your water chemistry is on, a small BTA can survive comfortably for a while, that is until it out grows the tank. Other than size restraints your tank can support an anemone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Long term health I would say none.
However, providing your water chemistry is on, a small BTA can survive comfortably for a while, that is until it out grows the tank. Other than size restraints your tank can support an anemone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar

dont cry. go get yourself an anemone. when it gets too big, trade it out for some corals and go buy a new smaller one. you will just pass on the specimen to someone with a larger tank.
There are no absolutes in the aquarium world. There are countless hobbyists with anemones in thier nanos.
Go for it.


i agree, go for it, i would recommend a RBTA as they grow fast and if Fed will split a lot depending on how much you feed, i used to feed mine a lot then got board of feeding them and they stopped splitting but they are getting HUGE now which i think i like more then anemones running around every where hahahaha but if you feed them they will split and no pet store turns down RBTA and you can get things you need for trade and in turn the bubble tip stays small


Active Member
I agree I dont want to be blamed for a double standard... lol so I admit I too have a RBTA in my 29gal cube, which is why I pointed out the potential issues while stating that you can support one in your tank.


Active Member
Oh i know, it was more directed towards dark - he knows i have a bta in my 29 gallon.
I will be upgrading to hopefully a 55+ corner gallon when i move.