Noob move: dumped a bunch of brine shrimp in my tank


New Member
I decided to try and feed some brine shrimp to my fish, and ended up dumping them all into my main tank - there are now hundreds. It's a 90 gallon with a 20 gallon sump. I only have 2 fire fish an a cleaner crew in there right now. The firefish seem to be enjoying them as are my zoo's, but now I am worried about overfeeding. Should I be? Should I try and get as many as I can out or just leave it?


Active Member
if they are alive its probably fine, if they are dead then remove the excess because it will just turn into ammonnia


New Member
Yes, they are all alive. I managed to catch most of them and dumped them into my sump instead.


If they die in the sump, the ammonia levels will still go up correct?


i would think that it would have to be a pretty massive die off for them to effect levels. and if the whole batch did die then there my be other problems as well to cause that. I dont have any experience with live brine so im outta my league here
maybe youll just get a bunch of fat fish outta the deal