Noob Question - Stuff in the Water.


I started my Saltwater Tank in October.
I've changed my powerheads again and added a 3rd (55 Gallon Tank) to give the tank better circulation.
Now I have it looks like undissolved salt flying all over my tank.
Are those Air Bubbles?
The particles really visible in the upper part of the tank, and at the bottom there is some but they just raise up into the current.
Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Will it go away?
I have 2 Maxi-Jet 1200s one in Top Left Front of tank blowing across. One in back Right of Tank blowing Downwards 45 degrees. I have a Rio Mini 180 just agitating the top right water because I was getting a film for some reason from the protein skimmer there.


Are you using sand at the bottom of the tank? it could be little sand particles that are floating around in the tank (from the new powerhead). they should settle w/in couple of days; then again, maybe someone with more experience can give you a better advice.


Active Member
Sounds like the dreaded micro bubbles.
A very simple test: Unplug the powerheads for one minute-
If they go UP there bubbles-If they go DOWN its sand:D


How do I get those bubbles to just stop?
Will unplugging the powerheads for a minute clear it up?
It is the macro bubbles, whats the cure?


Active Member
if its macro bubbles, turn off the powerheads and turn them and shake it until the bubble are gone.
if theres still bubbles, do you have that airline tube connected to the powerhead? if you do take it out, you seriously do not need it. Freshwater tanks do but not salt.
If that doesnt work, is something causing bigger bubbles? when i have my powerhead next to my biowheel(awhile back) it would actually break up the big bubbles and make smaller bubbles.

bang guy

Make sure the intake is clean on all of the powerheads. If the input is restricted it can cause the impeller to cavitate and that's what creates the micro bubbles.
This is one reason why I like Aquaclear powerheads. If they start the cavitate you can just restrict the OUTPUT and this halts the cavitation.


Active Member
Dude , You absolutly Do Not have to live with those annoying little bubbles.I used to have them and they drove me nuts. The trick is to identify them and where they are coming from.We already determined they were bubbles and not sand by a simple test. Now lets proceed to determine the offending unit(s) by process of elimination. Turn them off one at a time including the protien skimmer (a very likely possiability-hint) and any other filters, pumps, UV returns, etc. Turn it off they stop, turn it on they start again. Now we know which peice it is it will be easier to determine a cure. Caution- it may be a combination of two or more pieces- try different combos to narrow it down. I've seen the larger bubbles from a return pipe get sucked into a powerhead 6"-8" away get "ground up" and shoot out as micro bubbles in tiny almost indistinguishable spurts. Just try to narrow it down you can. I have a perfectly clear tank and the fish look like they are floating in air. Serious.
When you find out what it is and if the answer is not self evident post back ,there are all kinds of t "tricks" to try.


I did the test.
It looks to me like the problem is coming from the return from my Filter. I have a Magnum 350, Dual-Bio Wheel.
I turned off the tank, let it sit and when I turned on the filter masses of bubbles shot out.
Just do a cleaning overhaul on the filter?


Active Member
This is an easy one :) I have an emperor 400 and had same problem.
1.Check water level should be 1/8" to 1/4" over bottom lip of "waterfall" returns. Water should slid down and out on surface of tank not drop or drip into.
2.Get some "Open Cell" foam,like on a powerhead prefilter, cut rectangle piece 1/2" thick to fit waterfall slide(s) attach w/ rubber band. Micro bubbles will be "filtered out" before sliding into tank.


Active Member
Sure, a small block on the "shelf" Use a "coarse" open cell foam to prevent back pressure. You just want to screen out or capture the micro bubbles. I think Filstar makes a 30 and a 20 cell per inch foam.


What do you mean by "the shelf"?
It's bacpak2 RR.
That's the main bubble maker. It's flow directs towards the Emperor's flow, compounding the issue... But don't get me wrong, it's not that bad...But crystal clear does sound good!!!


Active Member
Sorry Dude, My Bad :eek:
I must have read too fast/wrote too soon. I was thinking of a Aqua C remora box type w/ flat shelf return.I haven't had the oppertunity to play with a CPR unit yet! So I can't speak from personal experiance, But don't they have a side chamber with a plastic media in it that they return through? That does about yhe same as the foam so thats where I'd look. Good luck:)


The reef ready dosen't come with the media. But, could I place the sponge at the return opening, just as the other?
I suppose so, as we're not talking apples and oranges...
Thanks, Squidd
I'll post when I do this, most likely Tue or Wed.


Thanks, Squidd.
I put in my Prizim Pro Media some of the foam to help catch the bubbles and that is working, I need to fiddle with my filter this week and then I believe the problem will be 100 percent solved.
Thanks for help on the subject.


Active Member
No problem, Mechanics are the easy part.
Now if some one could just help me with my Blue Damsel, He was right over there by the Lionfish a minute ago;)