nori folks...


I just bought a bunch of nori, a ton of it for $10, and my fish really like the stuff. I was going to start leaving some of it in the tank to try and keep my tang from eating my feather dusters. For those who leave some in the tank for much do you use? How do you keep it from being torn up and going into the overflow? Does it cause much in the way of trates? How often do you put it in the tank? Any other tricks people have for storing, placement, or anything else would be appreciated. Thanks.
For my tangs I love using the Mag float magnets to "sandwich" a thumb-size strip of nori and another Mag float with dried laver. The tangs eat it within a few hours but there isn't a good way to keep the stuff from floating off into the overflow when the tangs rip at the stuff. If I see a big clump I grab it and put it back under the magnetj. I tend to give it to them every 3 or 4 days and I don't see a large jump in Nitrates or Phosphates.


hey ekclark,
I buy dried seaweed from a local asian grocery store. You can store them anywhere. I feed my 1 yellow tang once a week with few shreds. Soak them first and it will settle down on the bottom and prevented from being sucked into the overflow.
as far as trates, I don't think so in my opinion but i could be wrong
hope this helps
nice to see another local chicagoan ;)