North Dakota Frog (not your average sissy one)


Active Member
I was out deer hunting and it was about 70 the first day (it can be minus 15 on opening day). Anyways enjoying the nice weather and walking through canyons and ravines I came to the bottom and there was a pool of water with about a dozen frogs. I caught this one that was on the ice with my camera. Yes ON ICE like it was nothing. Just amazing weather this year and even walked up on a rattlesnake that coiled up and rattled at me before getting bored and going down a hole

Anyways my superfrog picture



wow thats cool! i would have though with ice the frogs would be sleeping the winter away! its 70 out there right now? that means it should be coming my way!
crazy weather though i know you should be getting snow pretty quick like and normally we are starting to get snow aroudn this time of year! but cool picts thanks for sharing!