Not an ID...only the coolest hitchhiker ever!!


So it's been awhile for me posting here since I have been kind of busy...getting a new house, moving, loosing most of my 125g reef in the move
, and starting over. So the 125g reef is some what running again, after a few design changes to the sump. So I went out to get some LR from my LFS. Lucky me, a brandnew shipment came in and I just happened to arrive shortly after it did. So after spending about 2 hours going through the rock, I found this really nice giant of a rock (almost 3 feet wide and 1 1/2 feed tall) that had some great pore and crevice arrangment. Well I got it home and dropped it in my curing bin to be cured for a couple weeks. The next day I go down into the basement and happen to check up on it and lo and behold there is something that darts under the rock. So I grab my forcepts and gloves thinking I have a mantis on my hands, lift up the rock, and what do you think I see? This lil guy (only about 3" right now).

How cool is that? I can't say I have ever gotten a free fish before. I just had to share it with everyone. Feels good to be back.


I believe it to be a gulf toadfish (opsanus beta). I am by no means an expert, but it seems to be the closest I can get for now. To bad they eat everything, it certainly would be some nice color in the 125g


Active Member
Check with Renee aka Cranberry or greg, aka saxman. They have a lot of these type of fish.
Very cool find. Hope it makes it with all its been thru.


For the time being he is isolated in a 10g tank untill: #1 I know he survives, and #2 I figure out which tank to put him in. I know he can't go in the reef, and due to his small size, I am afraid that there will be to much competition for food if I put him in my humu trigger/porcupine puffer tank (they attack anything I am holding in my hands because they think it's hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have trained them to hand feed
), or they will pick on him (they are a bit larger, around 5"-6"). So for now I will just continue to grow him out untill I figure out what to do with him. Maybe once he gets up to his 11" mark I will throw him in with the puffer and trigger. If they grow anything like Engineer gobies, it shouldn't take very long