not going in...

mr. tuna

Active Member
I have had my RBTA for about 2 months now, and
my percula clowns for about 4.5 months. I bought the anenome so that they can host in it..but they dont seem to be. My
anenome is very healthy, i feed him krill, prawns,
and scallop and my clowns dont go near him. The RBTA is about 4 inches. Any thing i can do to persuade them to host it?
should i buy a BTA this time and try it?


Active Member
Sometimes clowns just won't go into an anemone, mine has never crawled into any anemone, yet over the years he's hosted on a shaving brush plant, and a small crevice in LR.

salty cheese

Active Member
I’ve seen this question many times and I was wondering if anyone has tried removing the clown to a QT for brief period of time and rearranging some of the rock in the tank.
I’ve heard that this helps when introducing new tank mates, but I’m curious if the same tactic might encourage them to host in a newly added anemone. :thinking:


Active Member
I have had my clowns for about a week and a half before I got an anemone. They are captive bred tru percs. I got the anemone on tuesday, then on saturday the male clown began hosting. I began using the picture trip tuesday night, but then removed the picture friday night, so I am not sure if it was the picture that did the trick or not.


Active Member
yea my clown never went near my hatian but arter seeing my domino damsels go in it, i guess it decided to try


Originally Posted by eric41177
Give this a try{if you havnt done this yet}
download a picture of a clown fish hosting in the RBTA
and tape it to the tank.
It sounds funny but 75% it will work
haha i duno bout that