Not New, But Back from a Yr break


Ok...I am ready to set up my 75 Gal. tank again. I will begin with (After the cycle) a FOWLR. However, I need a new Skimmer and a U.V. Sterilizer. Any suggestions for either one? It has to be hangon. I appreciate any advice!


Active Member
AquaC Remora Pro or Excalibur make the best HOB skimmers. I personally don't think you need the UV. Some will swear by them and some hate them.


i swear by my uv....however, i am having a hard time finding replacement bulbs for the double helix i have now, so i want a new 1.


Active Member
Originally Posted by airforceb2
AquaC Remora Pro or Excalibur make the best HOB skimmers. I personally don't think you need the UV. Some will swear by them and some hate them.
I agree fully with everything said.