Not so Bright !


I have just bought a yellow tang and i swear he must be the "Not so Bright" fish. He keeps on bumping his mouth against the glass! It's not Ick either because it's not fungus! I don't mean to affend the myself, the fish hobbiest or any of the fish families but i can't afford to let one fish ruin my whole tank so i must let him go! 1 Question, is this normal?
[ November 12, 2001: Message edited by: GQ ]


I agree with dshurett. He is more than likely eating or trying to eat some algae off of the glass. They really love to chomp down on some nice algae, so make sure your feeding them properly. Don't worry too much its common for them to do this... if thats is what he is actually doing.


Originally posted by goldfish:
<STRONG>What do you mean by "let him go?" Are you planning on flushing him??????? :eek:</STRONG>
Maybe he's going to fry him up with some butter! :eek:


Tangs are Algae eaters. unless he's bumping (as if he's not sure where the area ends and abnormally bumps into surrounding), he's picking for algae.
Consequently, if it appears unusual, water quality probably making him do that. Check your pH,Nitrite,Nitrate,Amonia,Salinity and post here..
Last but not least, your tang is seeing its reflection and thinking there's another tang. :D
I think you meant by "i must let him go! " that you will take him to LFS or trading with another hobbyist ;)


When i said get rid of him i meant take him bck to the lfs. Also i started to think the same thing about his reflection and him thinking he was another fish. As well there is no green in the tank and yes he is in the 15 for 2 weeks only because that is my copper tank. Any sug?