not sure what the thing is

Last night i was looking in the tank after all the lights were out and i noticed an earth worm type creature slithering out of the live rock. I have never noticed it before. The best decripition that I can give is that it kinda looks like the tip of a brittlestars leg without the spines. It was stretched out to about 3 inchs long when i saw it. I flipped the living room light on to get a better look and it retracted back into a small hole in the rock. Sorry i was unable to get any pics of it. If this sounds familar to anyone please let me know, also was wondering if it's harmful.
It really didn't look like a bristle worm, from what I could see of it.
The body was smooth and had a solid brown-gray color to it.
any other ideas? I'm really puzzled :confused:


i also have two of what you explained..... earth worm looking thing without legs and is very smooth looking....also when i shine the flashlight on them they kind of "roll" inside themselvs to move..... right???
if so i would like to know exactly what they are and if their bad in any way..... i have been noticing chunks and cuts out of my leather and im not sure whats doing that


peanut worms are benefical and sounds like what you have. I dont know what would be getting our leather but doubt that its the worm. IMO


Thanks for asking the question. I have around 10 of them in my tank, they kind of roll in on themselves. I always wondered what they were but assumed no one would know. Stupid me. The power of the message board is once again revealed.
That was ilt !!!! A peanut worm :D Thank you so much for giving enough info to research, I didn't know where to begin looking. I guess I'll let him stay for awhile.
Thanks again