Not sure what's wrong with clown


The smaller of my two clownfish lately has been spending a lot of his time in a corner of the tank. At first it was like they were going to nest because he cleared the sand away. Then he started looking kinda rough but I figured it was the female umm establishing things. But now he just gets more and more ragged. I haven't added anything to the tank in almost a yr, all I've done is move to a bigger tank (12gal to 29). His tank mates are another larger clown, a starfish and 2 damsels that are crazy and live behind my filter... yes behind the filter.

Any ideas so I can save the lil fellow?


He is beat up pretty badly. Do you have a quarantine tank to place him in? You will have to figure out if the female is doing this or the damsels. My guess would be the damsels. They do it when you are not looking.


I know its the female and he hides from her. She rules the roost and well the damsels never leave their hiding spot. I don't have a quarantine tank but I can get a bucket and transfer the water over and keep it warm. Any other ideas or suggestions if I do use the bucket?


Originally Posted by rogueangel
I know its the female and he hides from her. She rules the roost and well the damsels never leave their hiding spot. I don't have a quarantine tank but I can get a bucket and transfer the water over and keep it warm. Any other ideas or suggestions if I do use the bucket?
I would highly recommend that you not use a bucket. If you have absolutely no other choice then use a bucket or a bin that has never had chemicals, of any kind, in it. Add a heater and a power head, a piece of LR and a few cups of sand. You will not be able to use medication, but you can keep him calm and add vitamins to his food. I highly recommend that you set up a qt and get it cycling. If any of those wounds get infected then he will need chemical treatment. You need a cycled quarantine tank for that. Do you have anything that you can use as a divider such as egg crate? Dividers are inexpensive. You can keep the fish in the display, but separate from the other fish. You cannot add medication to the display though.


Originally Posted by rogueangel
As they've been tank mates for well over a year and from the same batch at *****. Will he survive in the tank?
Yes, she will stop. He needs to relax though, and may need to be treated.