The smaller of my two clownfish lately has been spending a lot of his time in a corner of the tank. At first it was like they were going to nest because he cleared the sand away. Then he started looking kinda rough but I figured it was the female umm establishing things. But now he just gets more and more ragged. I haven't added anything to the tank in almost a yr, all I've done is move to a bigger tank (12gal to 29). His tank mates are another larger clown, a starfish and 2 damsels that are crazy and live behind my filter... yes behind the filter.
Any ideas so I can save the lil fellow?
The smaller of my two clownfish lately has been spending a lot of his time in a corner of the tank. At first it was like they were going to nest because he cleared the sand away. Then he started looking kinda rough but I figured it was the female umm establishing things. But now he just gets more and more ragged. I haven't added anything to the tank in almost a yr, all I've done is move to a bigger tank (12gal to 29). His tank mates are another larger clown, a starfish and 2 damsels that are crazy and live behind my filter... yes behind the filter.
Any ideas so I can save the lil fellow?