not sure whats wrong


New Member
T have a tank with a young snowflake eel and 2 yellow tail damsels. This morning i found one of the damsels have one of its eyes swollen and puffy and a little white. I mean this one eyeball is huge and puffed up compared to normal. The fish doesnt show any spots or bitemarks or any other indication of sickness. The other damsel is perfectly fine. The one with the eye prob just seems to hide in the rocks and caves since i found him with it. does anyone have any advice on what i should do or any idea what could be the cause or what it is? please help.


Active Member
Sounds like your fish has popeye.
How are your water readings? Many times this disease happens from poor water quality. You may be able to treat it with a large water change (particularly if you will have difficulty catching the fish). If the water change doesn't help you should isolate it in a hospital tank and treat with antibiotics such as Maracyn 2.