nothing special


seriously. just another what would you do thread. i have a 10g SW tank just sitting around was a QT tank and has been running for about a year but converting to a DT. my 55g is in the living room but i need something in my bedroom. so in my never ending search for uniqueness i was woundering what are the most unique things you have seen in a 10g or what would you do with a 10g (no trigger tank ideas). and because l/s and l/r and heaters and such will be so much cheaper money will go to fish and such. keep in mind iam not a CEO or CFO or anthing like that but any ideas??


finding somthing really unique for a 10G tank will be tough... seeing as you want to do fish only.
There are some prety rare / different gobies out there... I was origionally going to suggest a frog fish, or some other predator tank set up... but then a saw the size. 10G's isnt enough for anything like that.
A mantis shrim might be a thought... colourful, and definitley unique... you'll be needing SOME rock etc though.
That or get yourself a big anenomea and a pair of clowns. They are always entertaining.


never thought about a seahorse tank. thats a good one. i did think about a nem. with a pair of clowns like snowflake, onyx, or some other odd clown


Active Member
Originally Posted by monkdaily
never thought about a seahorse tank. thats a good one. i did think about a nem. with a pair of clowns like snowflake, onyx, or some other odd clown
FWIW, An Anemone and a 10gal tank is not a good combo. Almost every species of anemone will quickly out grow a 10 gal tank in a matter of months. The ones that wont dont host any clownfish. This is all after you remedy your lighting flow and filtration which will be a challenge all in itself to get right on such a small tank. To properly house an anemone, just my 2 cents...