noticed white specks on cowfish


ive noticed a few white specks on the cows forehead and also on the body..i was wondering if this is ick or is its natural color. It has no white spots on the fins or anything. So please help. iM worried. it also seems darker.:(


How big is your tank and the cowfish? Has it been eating?
Cowfish are notorious for stressing out and poisoning their tankmates. If you have the option, I'd look into returning it to the LFS unless you have a 200gal tank. (I'm assuming that it's either a long-horned or a scrawled cowfish since the LFS seem to love selling them...I'm not sure why since the thornback cowfish only get 6" long and is a lot less likely to poison the tank.)
They're fairly high stress fish that get really large, and half the time they'll starve themselves to death. Dark coloration (if you can see the octagonal scales outlined) is a bad thing. Make sure it's eating if you want to keep it, and make sure nothing is picking on it. Also, if you have an anemone, you'll have to pick between the fish or the anemone. Cowfish will try to eat them and end up being stung. But they're dumb, they'll go back once they've recovered...and do it again.