Nova Extreme Pro


I am getting ready to start getting equipment for my 180. I was lookng at the Nova Extreme Pro 72" T-5 light set. I know it does not have metal halides but I do not want those anyway. If anyone has used them or knows anything about them let me know, lights are too expensive to make the wrong choice. Thanks in advance.


I've heard a lot of good things about the Pro. There are a lot of reefers on here that can give you pics to back them up. They seem to do very well in a lot of tanks. It may not fair well on very high demanding light corals but so far all I have heard was good.


New Member
im thinking about going with the 48" nova. four HO bulbs with lunars for only $220 isnt bad. i have a 75 still debating if 4 is enough 0r should i go with the 8 bulb model. if you get that light let me know how it works out


I have Nova Extreme 48 inch 4 bulb model. Cost 200 bucks. I like it. Very little heat, looks great, keeps my softies and LPS just fine. I haven't tried any high light demand corals yet.


As a guy who owns more lighting fixtures then I can use I must say, if you're going with current usa get the pro or sundial, the 'individual' reflectors push out more light then their one reflector models. The sundial has lunars and timers built in, thats always nice. The pro is also nice. Are they as nice as Teks or any other high end brand, no, but can you host most things on them, yes. There's a lot of users on this forum w/ the Pro and they have lots of pretty pics to back up their power.


The Nova Extreme Pro in the 48" model is a six bulb fixture. I have one and like it alot. The Tek is a better fixture as far as par numbers go, but by the time you buy the legs, bulbs, and splash sheild you are paying almost twice as much. For the money the Extreme Pro is a good buy.


Active Member
I have NOVA extreme 4 bulb. Its good, but I wish it had individual reflectors. Other than that it is great!

If you have the choice get the one with individual reflectors.


I have a nova extreme 36" 4 bulb 156 watt fixture I paid 230 for. Its not a bad setup but you can do better for cheaper. I rebuilt it so that I could use individual tek reflectors and it made a huge difference. The ballasts it uses are x2 Sunpark which can be bought for very cheap.


Active Member
I am running a 36" extreme pro 6x39 on my 46 reef, I think it is a great fixture for the money, very quiet and bright.