Nova extreme pro!!


Hi guys!!The title says it all!!! I would like to know if the lightning systeme,nova extreme pro ( 6x t5Ho ) is a good choice for a reef(77 gal bowfront) i have a 50 gal tank with the Nova extreme but not the pro,and i have been told that i could not have a crocea clam or maxima,i would like to know the nova extreme pro is strong enough to keep one!!tanks


I just picked up me Nova Extreme Pro light today
and i really like it I don't have clams. It is over my 90 gal 48 in


Active Member
I just got the nova extreme 36" for my 40 breeder frag far so good! It looks great!


New Member
i set my clam on rock about 3/4 way up,he attached and is doing great!!have 2 brain coral about same height,they also are doing great. was going to buy nova with 6 bulbs,decided on 4 instead.very happy with lighting,fan not loud.


Active Member
i hv the nova pro 6 bulbs. its enough light for any clam. i hv 3 croceas and 2 derasas. they r 12-20 inches aways from the light.