nova extreme vs satellite



does anyone think that there is a big difference in these light fixtures? the nova ships with 4 54w and 4 lunar, the satellite ships with 4 65w and a lunar light. 100 dollar difference. thanks for your info.


Heres a hint
Go up to the Nova Extreme Pro
Heres the main difference between the sattelite
PC lighting: does not have the power of a hoT5
The sattelite will look like it is just pounding light into the tank (the lighting is amazing trust me I have one, but im getting rid of it for the nova extreme pro)
but this power dissipates a few inches in the water and does not have that amount of power at the bottom of the water
hoT5 with indivisual reflectors (which none of the current products have but they do have contoured reflectors) strength of the lighting will reach to the bottom
do a search on here on more threads that discuss this
For the price the Nova Extreme Pro that will run you around 400 bucks (for a 48") it is an amazing light


Active Member
Originally Posted by SrgVigil
Heres a hint
Go up to the Nova Extreme Pro
Heres the main difference between the sattelite
PC lighting: does not have the power of a hoT5
The sattelite will look like it is just pounding light into the tank (the lighting is amazing trust me I have one, but im getting rid of it for the nova extreme pro)
but this power dissipates a few inches in the water and does not have that amount of power at the bottom of the water
hoT5 with indivisual reflectors (which none of the current products have but they do have contoured reflectors) strength of the lighting will reach to the bottom
do a search on here on more threads that discuss this
For the price the Nova Extreme Pro that will run you around 400 bucks (for a 48") it is an amazing light

Nice to see someone know what they are talking about