Nova Extreme


I'm planning to get New lights soon. Ive heard about a new version of Nova Extreme t5's coming out soon. Does any one have any info ? Thanks


Active Member
i guess the new version has individual reflectors, which is a must for good output from a T5 fixture. if you do go with this fixture use either geissmann or ati bulbs, current brand bulbs have lousy par.


i talked to a representative of Current U.S.A., who puts out the Nova. they told me that the Nova Extreme will have individual reflectors on the new ones. but she didn't know when they were going to come out. she said origionally they were going to release them in late april, but they had pushed back the release date to early to late summer. she did say that they are not going to sale the reflectors individualy to people like me with an older model. she also said that they haven't set a price for them yet.
so basically they don't know when they are coming out or how much they will cost.
hope this helps


Active Member
yea they told me about that a while back.
You could easily get the reflectors if you wanted. thats IF the dimensions of the new ones are the same. All you gotta do is call customer support and say you need to buy new reflectors because yours got damaged. Now if they change the entire design they wont work anyway.