Nova Extreme


Active Member
bought it last night, $100
just to tide me over while i earn up the cash to get the pro. then ill probably be selling it on here. but still,


Active Member
i actually got it for $80, with $20 shipping and free insurance. so yeah im pretty happy. its going to be over my 75, not very long, but probably for about a year. is it going to be OK to keep what i already have? mostly LPS and a few SPS like some montis and an acro? thanks.


Active Member
if u hv the regular nova, montis r ok if placed near top half of tank. its not going to thrive tho.


How many bulbs are in your Nova? I have the 8 bulb on my tank and have gotten some decent growth out of 2 caps, 2 digis and a milli as well as an unidentified acro. I wouldn't say it is great growth, but it is decent. I do have all my SPS on the top half of the tank, most in the top third.


Active Member
im getting the 6 bulb nova pro soon, but this is just the basix 2 bulber to tide me over. my other tanks going to be up and running for the majority of the time anyways.


If it is just the 2 bulb I would say that you do not have enogh light for any SPS. Better just wait until you can get the PRO.


I agree with Cmaxwell. You should...idk do something with that SPS though because I doubt you can put it in that tank with only two T-5 bulbs. Just wait for the pro.
Alix, I believe I saw your a sophomore in high school as well as I am so I can relate in our budgets lol. I'm waiting untill I have ALL of the money needed for the pro which I'm going to put over my 40 breeder.
(PM and I'll show you a place to get the Pro for CHEAP! (they're currently out of stock but you can send them an e-mail to tell you when they are back in stock))


yeah that's where I'm gonna get mine for sure. Really cheap.
my LFS was selling the 36" for $349!!! I was like what is wrong with you lol.