now what?


New Member
I have a 55 gal salt water. I set it up a week before july 1st.
My ammonia is a little high but thats all. its about .50. I have 2 blue and yellow damels (dont know the names) , a snail and a hermit crab. would it be save to put any tangs or clowns in yet or should i just wait. I am very excited to put more fish in my tank but i dont want to put them in if they are going to die. I did a 20% water change about a week ago. please help.large


:nope: No, you shouldn't put anything in it until Ammonia and Nitrites are 0 and Nitrates are <20. Also some people don't think you should put a tang in a 55 gallon. They need a lot of swimming room and can become stressed ina small tank. I would love to have one but I'll wait until I get a bigger tank. Be patient and just take it slow. It is also a good idea to quarantine new fish for approximately 3 weeks in a quarantine tank before adding them to the display tank.