now what?


Active Member
well i got my dt back together after 3 ronuds of ich.they have been in the dt for almost 4 weeks with no signs of ich untill two days ago.
the hypo was done in qt at 1.008 for 4 weeks after no more signs of ich,the tank and lr were alone for over 6 weeks.
two days ago my tangs had white spots on then quite a bunch and now today 3/4 gone.
i havnt added anything to the dt since i put it back together.
if it was ich it should be there still for a few more days at least.
can lympho do this?
i would have to assume its ich but it is going away too fast.
i cant get any good pics but the spots are bright white and look to have a ring around them if this helps.
i just cant imagine it is ich again


Active Member
go to beths diseased fish thread check if its lympho or ich idk much about diseases and that stuf but the diseased fish thread is great to identify a disease and then go to disease treatment thread to see how to treat them


Active Member
you mean the thread where ich and lympho look the same?
i know all the treatments i have been at this for a long time .
this is something that following the disease thread doesnt match.
it is an ongoing treatment problem .
lympho comes and goes but usually doesnt have alot of spots right away.ich will be on a fish for at least 5-7 days these are gone in the disease forum is useless for this.
dont get me wrong i appreaciate the input but this stuff is getting so aggrevating i am at witts end.


Staff member
Lympho has rather irregular shape, especially if you look using a magnifying glass. Ich is very symmetrical, and basically looks like a pinhead. Ich also tends to be seen in clusters of several, whereas lymphocyctis will usually start with one or two spots.
Use a magnifying glass and look at your fish very well at different times of the day to see if you see anything, especially the fins.
Aside from this "maybe" ich incident, when is the last time you saw ich on your fish while they were in QT?
Notice the fish scratching?


Active Member
this is the odd thing,the fish were in qt 4 weeks after no more signs on the ich.the dt was empty for 6 the fish really havnt had signs of ich for 9 weeks.
there were no signs of the ich when i put the dt and fish back together for over 3 weeks.
three mornings ago i saw the spots they were not clustered but spread out on the fish there were quite a few.on my fowleri there were a few that looked oval not round .the achilles had at least two dozen on him.
now this morning only after 4 days they dont look to have any on them.
i know ich usually hangs on a fish for at least 5 days but usually 7.
its the time frame thats making this hard to figure out.
i will look at them again when the mh light come on but this is an odd deal with these guys.


Active Member
i put the cuc in 3 weeks before the fish went back.
i believe it is ich again i see a few more spots back.
man,cant even add snails with out ich anymore.
well back to the qt.


i thought ive read that tangs when stessed can produce white dots on their skin... maybe thats it from moving them around so much?