nudibranch bites..?


Active Member
hey everyone, i am battling zoa pox nudis etc. im watching 20$ polyp zoas go down the drain..
i have noticed black holes almost on the stems of zoas. they look like a bite. it seems that with these black holes, the zoa dies but i have been picking them off incase its not a bit and they seem to just rip right off.. (the zoa)
has anybody seen anything like this?
where can i find detailed shots of nudibites?
i have picked up my colonies of zoas that seem affected like a coupele polyps not opening and dying off and inspect for nudis and see nothing.
sometimes it looks like the zoa is being chocked. half of the stem is skiinnyyyy and halg of it is fat.
im not sure what i expect from a thread without pics but hopefully some experienced people who have seen these kinds of things?


Active Member
But how can it be a bite if you can remove the mark?
I haven't seen nudis or snails make apparent marks... not saying they don't, but I haven't seen it. I kept a nudi/sundial tank for awhile. I did see an asterina make a black mark on a stem. The polyp was retracted while he was there but recovered fine.... so I don't know what that was about. I may have a picture of that... well I do, but I don't know if I can find it on the external harddrive or not.
Have you seen any tiny whelk looking snails?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
But how can it be a bite if you can remove the mark?
I haven't seen nudis or snails make apparent marks... not saying they don't, but I haven't seen it. I kept a nudi/sundial tank for awhile. I did see an asterina make a black mark on a stem. The polyp was retracted while he was there but recovered fine.... so I don't know what that was about. I may have a picture of that... well I do, but I don't know if I can find it on the external harddrive or not.
Have you seen any tiny whelk looking snails?
i thought that was confusing.. i put (the zoa) as in that is what i was peeling off..,
now, the black hole which i think is the bite,,,when i see them i go ahead and pick off the zoa with the black hole on it to make sure that if its a disease and not a bite it doesnt spread.
the affected zoas just kind of peel right off the rock like they are dead. i didnt think a bite would do that to it..
maybe that cleared it up a little? if not ill try and re type it all.. lol %%


Active Member
whelk snails-
i do have a bunch of baby snails but i think they are colonistas. i havent been able to get a good look at them but it fits the description. small and nocturnel. i only see them at night.
i have a bumble bee snail which i think is a whelk. it was the very 1st thing i bought about 3 years ago. i saw the snail not to long ago. maybe a couple weeks back?