Nudibranch Care


New Member
Can I but nubibranchs in my 30 gal tank? This website says "If you have Flatworms in your aquarium this species is highly recommended." What are flatworms and how would I know if I had them? The three nudibranchs this website sells are the Newspaper, Blue Velvet, Purple, and the Lettuce. Would you recommend/not recommend any of them? I already have a blue tang, 2 perc clowns, and fire shrimp. I also have a lot of live rock and intend to put in coral and an anenomie.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hayes
Can I but nubibranchs in my 30 gal tank? This website says "If you have Flatworms in your aquarium this species is highly recommended." What are flatworms and how would I know if I had them? The three nudibranchs this website sells are the Newspaper, Blue Velvet, Purple, and the Lettuce. Would you recommend/not recommend any of them? I already have a blue tang, 2 perc clowns, and fire shrimp. I also have a lot of live rock and intend to put in coral and an anenomie.
i wouldnt recomend nudibranches, mabey if you had like a 300 gallon tank INFESTED with flatworms, you could get a velvet nudi, but you only have a 30 so there wouldnt be enough food, it would starve VERY fast


Active Member
The lettuce nudi is the only one that will not starve to death in captivity. But I'm not sure if your tank is big enough for a lettuce nudi.