Nudibranch eat hair algae?? sharks?? someone please reply??

I posted it earlier but no one reply...and i want to try nudibranchs eat hair algae?? thatz all i want to know...someone please give me an answer..anyone...thank you


i have 3 lettuce nudis and I have never seen them eat hair algea...they do eat the green algea though

rabid frog

Active Member
I have also heard they are found of polyps, my lffs store had one and told me not to get it because they knew I had polyps in my tank


Active Member
not too sure about that particluar species, but as for nudibranches, i believe that they are a creature that only eats one thing, most wont even eat variations of the same type of food, ie. if you have one that eats aptasia, it only eats aptaisia and not even other types of anemones