

I ordered some random frags from a supplier I've used in the past, but this time they added a nudibranch that I did not order. I suppose the most awesome deal ever comment I sent them via email maybe caused the deal to get even more awesome.
However, I don't know what kind or if it is totally Reef Safe. It looks really similar to the Blue Velvet Nudibranch, however it is not the same.
Pics coming as soon as he acclimates a little more, and I can get my phone to sync with my comp.


Not the most clear, but you can see he is a purple with broken yellow stripes down him. He has a little frilly thing on his rear, and unfortunately balls up every time I touch the bag.
I've never had a nudibranch in the past, so I don't know much about their care.



I suppose this nudibranch might make up for me having a midnight to 2am aquarium call the other night. Fortunately my battery backups keep everything alive. God bless those little gadgets.


I was able to identify him as a yellow-purple (sea slug) nudibranch. Hypselodoris picta webbi, and these are flatworm eaters. I have no flatworms, so this guy is DOA in my tank


I've read a thread that says this thing eats sponges. Anyone have any experience with a Yellow-Purple Nudibranch?
Hypselodoris picta webbi


Active Member
sorry, no experience with them. i thought though that the purple with some blue ate flatworms.
i'd be afraid to put it in my tank... the highly colorful markings usually means poisonous, and if you don't know what it eats and dies, or if it gets in your powerheads...


Yeah, I found 2 different species, and both of them eat things I cannot provide. All the links say "Expert Aquarist Only," and I'm no expert. He'll die no matter where I keep him. I figure I'll bag him up, and take him to the fish store tomorrow, and let them try to keep him in one of their nano/species tanks.
Hate to see things get shipped to their death, but I suppose it happens all the time.