nudilove question for ya


i think i read that you have a aquaC remora on your 24g aquapod where did you place it on the tank. also any pics of the filtration area would be helpfull also. you seem to know what you are doing and have a beautiful looking tank. thanks for the help


Hi there,
What I had was the Fission Nano Skimmer and it was more trouble that it was worth. However I have been considering the Remora, unless I just build my own skimmer.
What I have done to the filtration is.
1.Upgraded main pump to a Rio 1200.
2. Replaced blue sponges with Filter Floss (the filter floss can be thrown away more easily than the blue sponges and traps smaller matter, you can also get synthetic Quilt Batting at a fabric store if they dont have it at your LFS, I roll it into a 4 in diameter tube and slide it into where the blue sponges used to be.
3. Removed all of the covers on the intake grates that are in front of the blue sponges.
4. Slowly week by week added LR rubble, about two pounds at a time. (Only started recently and therefore left in the ceramic bio rings so that the tank wouldnt cycle because of lack of bacteria, but removed the bio balls)
5. Added large bag of carbon and a 'catchall pad' that takes out phosphates from fish waste, ammonia, and nitrite just to be sure.
I will be investigating the other HOB skimmers considering I need pristine water for my clams and acroporas. Let me know if I can help you with anything else!


Active Member
Check out the Sapphire Nanoskimmer AP24. Its a skimmer that it built to fit in one of the back chambers and its only $125.


Active Member
I've heard many good things about it on another forum. I eventually might get one myself. $125 is not much for a skimmer. Of course its not 30 bucks like the Fission nano skimmer, but you get what you pay for. The AquaC Nano Remora is a very good skimmer as well, but your going to have to make some mods for it to be able to hang on the back.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tylerfear
what site sells them?
look up nanotuners. They have a lot of great diy mods.


one more question and i'll try to leave you alone. i only have about 20 lbs of rock in my tank (24g) i have a friend that gave me about 60 more lbs but it's all dead. if i put it under some of the live rock will it seed the dead? also i want to put rock in the back of the tank for filtration, will the dead rock be ok or should i just buy some new rock? thanks again


Active Member
Since its not a significant amount of rock that your adding it shouldn't be a problem ( that is if you are just adding a few more pounds), but if you want to be on the safe side, you can put the rocks in a bucket or a rubermaid container with saltwater and a power head for about a week or so. This gives a chance for what ever is dead in the rocks to come out so you don't put dead stuff in your tank causing a mini cycle.


Active Member
The live rock will replace the Bio balls. You can run a bag of carbon if you want but be sure to clean/replace every week or two.


I just wouldnt remove all of your bioballs at one time, and slowly add the rock. When you take out too much at once, you can cause spikes because you are removing too much bacteria at one time.
I added rock to the rear chambers of my aquapod at about 2 lbs per week, removing a couple bio balls at a time and then finally the ceramic rings. No spikes to speak of. Especially since it is dead rock it will take time to grow the bacteria as opposed to live rock.
Thanks Demartini for the skimmer advice.