As of yet I do not have an aggressive tank but I thought this might give you an idea of how big a nurse can get risc I dont see how these gal could fit in a pool.
By the way the shark was released within a minute and was the most docile fish I have ever handled. Although it did scare alot of beachgoers on this trip I also saw a loggerhead make a nest which was cool because everytime she threw sand on her back the phosphorescent (sp?) algae would like up....way cool anyway I just thought Id post this.

By the way the shark was released within a minute and was the most docile fish I have ever handled. Although it did scare alot of beachgoers on this trip I also saw a loggerhead make a nest which was cool because everytime she threw sand on her back the phosphorescent (sp?) algae would like up....way cool anyway I just thought Id post this.