Nutrition For My Snowflake


New Member
I've had my Snowflake moray for a month or so now and hes doing great! I've been feeding him frozen krill and once in a while i'll throw in a live feeder fish for him to hunt down. I was curious to know if i should vary his feeding habits anymore than this? Does Krill contain all the nutriants etc. that he needs? Or should i vary his feeding habits a bit more? Another question is, what is the ideal cleanup crew to keep with my snowflake? I have a few hermit crabs and snails, but i keep seeing him going after my hermit crab. Thanks for any info you can provide!


New Member
My lfs is sad when it comes to choice of foods, or food supliments. Do you know any places on the net where i could order selcon or zoecon, as well as silversides? All my lfs has is krill. Oh, and i feed my eel 2/3 times a week, and only give him a live fish maybe once a week if that, if i'm out and about and i'm near the fish store i'll pick him up a fish or two :) , i've read they arnt too healthy for him(or her?) but it seems to enjoy it very much.