nw 200


i just got my nw 200 and its true(ive read on another thread)...that the riser and the black plate DOESNT have a good seal,so some of the water will overflow over the black plate. i just hooked it up today and i dont know if evenuallly the foam will be thick enough to just go up to the collection cup after it breaks in or you guys did something to kinda seal it. the old nw 200 is different coz i think it has a thread between the riser and collection cup the only thing i can think of is to put like a rubber O ring made of silicone or just plain rubber. pls help. thans.http://www.aquacave.com/detail.aspx?ID=496


Active Member
I'm sure wattsupdoc is on this forum but this is airline hose split and fitted over the riser then tact glued with superglue



Active Member
Yes, that's what I did on mine, but it's not necessary. The funnel necks are designed to operate that way. That compartment will fill with water, it kinda acts like a ballast to keep everything running level. You'll get a little junk on the funnel, but not that bad. The water level should be just below the neck a little. Just below the connection to the funnel.


thank you guys. i guess i will just wait until it breaks in and see how its gonna go, if its really bad, i will use that technique, if not, ill leave it like that.