nYgel's 10 gallon


Active Member
This is a slight update of my 10 gallon (not gonna be up much longer), not many new additions because I'm saving up to upgrade. Also I am using the digital camera on my digital camcorder (still photo) so they aren't the best quality in the world.

1 false percula
1 yellow watchman

unknown coral

Various snails/ cowry
several dusters
Here is when it first started:

few months back:


and now for individual pics:

Enjoy... not the greatest, but I'm 16 and broke (except $100 or so building up to my 29 gal)


Active Member
great job!!!!...i wouldnt be able to make something half as good if i was still 16...by the way i love the pic of your clown and the frogspawn soooo cute i wish mine would host ANYTHING!... i coulda sworn mine was going to go in to the mushrooms this morning...then he didnt


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
great job!!!!...i wouldnt be able to make something half as good if i was still 16...by the way i love the pic of your clown and the frogspawn soooo cute i wish mine would host ANYTHING!... i coulda sworn mine was going to go in to the mushrooms this morning...then he didnt
Thanks, yea, I've got pretty lucky, I've had 3 and all three have hosted in it. I like the pattern on this clownfish the most. (the first two died for unknown reasons, maybe cuz they were from *****... but still, no oddities in the water quality and had no tankmates....)


Active Member
Im going to have a 29 gallon and stand hood a emperor 280 penguin 200 heater coralife 50 50 blubs and heater. Mabey for sale sometime the end of this year. Im not sure. Just giving you a heads up


Active Member
I've already got the tank, filter, such and scuh, just need lights at the moment as far as equipment goes, thanks though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
This is a slight update of my 10 gallon (not gonna be up much longer), not many new additions because I'm saving up to upgrade. Also I am using the digital camera on my digital camcorder (still photo) so they aren't the best quality in the world.

1 false percula
1 yellow watchman

unknown coral

Various snails/ cowry
several dusters
Here is when it first started:

few months back:


and now for individual pics:

Enjoy... not the greatest, but I'm 16 and broke (except $100 or so building up to my 29 gal)
alright do you have a job lol ive got a joba nd have more than enough to keep my tanks up and running and for some frequent addidtions
i dont know lol just a thought :thinking:

BTW your tank looks great cant wait to see the new one soon post some pics


Active Member
thanks, and no i dont have a job. I'm trying to focus alot of my time trying to be a film maker (yea... film maker). But I get money through little jobs here and there, I'm up to $237, I'll be going to pick up the tank/ stand/ lights and hood Wednesday if all goes as planned. Then transfer the entire 10 gal over to my 29 gal. I can't wait.