O2 levels and canister filters?


Active Member
Today i had a customer ask a question i wasnt 100% sure about. She asked if her tank was getting enough oxygen b/c she didnt have the water breaking any where, There were several power heads and a Fil-Star canister filter. So my question is would addind a bubble wand or air ston be recomended? I've heard some negative things about that, but w/ every wave over a coral reef it produces more underwater bubbles than an air pump does probably in a week. So what do you think, and if you say no, then inform me on why you shouldnt. ( preferbably w/ info to support your calim) Thanks for the help.:)


I have run an airstone in the back of my 100 gal reef ever since it was set up and have experienced no problems. As long as there are no puffers(they can get air bubbles stuck in the swim bladder if they try to eat a bubble, causing swim bladder disease), then it should be fine.


You don't mention the size of the tank, but I have a Fluval 404 and a Maxijet 1200 pointing to the surface on opposite sides of the tank in a 75. There is another Maxijet 1200 pointing at the surface on the same side as the cannister filter output on a wavamaker, along with two lower level powerheads on each side of the tank on the bottom. My oxygen level has been tested and is fully saturated. Surface agitation should be enough to provide oxygen to the tank.
Air stones can cause different problems that I am sure you are aware of, but with saltwater, they mostly cause a mess with salt creep.