O2 Levels In Tank


Active Member
My wife bought me a snowflake eel for my birthday which should arrive mid week. In preparation I did my best to seal the tank top for possible escape routes. I used the plastic trim which snaps on to the glass.
1. Does that provide enough protection? It's very stiff and the weight of the glass seems to hold it tight to the tank.
2. Now that the top is sealed, does the return from my hang on filter and skimmer provide enough O2 or do I need to address that?
I have a power head that moves water across the back of the tank just to provide some flow. I guess I could shoot across the top if needed.
Any insights would be appreciated.


Sounds like you have enough for him but in any of the tanks you have mentioned in your signature there should be a couple mroe powerheads, maybe 2 100 gphs would finish it off. Try to avoid the swirl affect when using powerheads.


New Member
I have had 2 Snowflakes. I loved them, they are cool to watch. I had my first one for about a year. This was in a 37 tall. He was hand fed, stopped after the first bite to the finger. That doesnt feel the greatest. I was very pleased with him and he was getting along with everything else, Y.T. True Perc., Keyhole Angel, Manderin and Gobs LR. Oh yea, normal Blue Legs. Well this is were things went wrong. I woke up one morning only to find my Snowflake lifeless at the bottom of my tank. Upon pulling him out, (shedding tears) I realized that he had CHOKED on a dang Crab Shell. Got another one about 7 months ago and had him for about 2 months and woke up one morning to find him dead. Once again CHOKED to death. This time on a piece of C.C. I fed him 3 times Daily and fed till he wouldnt come back for more. (dont start yelling about this). This is one caution I offer in getting a SNOWFLAKE other than that they are the best (eel's) to have. Atleast in my exp.