Ocean water vs. R/O water


Any comments out there? I currently have a 80 reef which has been running on R/O water for a year. I am thinking of switching to ocean water from my lfs (very reliable one). Any comments, concerns, opinions about this???


Active Member
i use ocean water. dont think ill ever go back to synthetic. if you can get it from a good clean, reliable source, then go for it.


Active Member
If they can ensure a clean source of water, I would absolutely, positively go with NSW.
However, when it comes to boxed SW, I am possibly a bit more wary...I am just not as familiar with what that water goes through in order to have a shelf life.


Active Member
true. when i collect NSW, i try to use it within 3 days of collecting it. im sure it could sit for longer, but i usually try and use it as fast as possible.
i just was at the inlet this morning. went into the ocean and collected some. the water has a green tinge to it, but ill run it through some filter floss or a coffee filter and itll be fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
true. when i collect NSW, i try to use it within 3 days of collecting it. im sure it could sit for longer, but i usually try and use it as fast as possible.
i just was at the inlet this morning. went into the ocean and collected some. the water has a green tinge to it, but ill run it through some filter floss or a coffee filter and itll be fine.
Holy Molie teen, you use L.I.S water? You are a brave one.


Active Member
if by L.I.S you mean Long Island Sound, then no. im on the south shroe, so i use atlantic ocean water. theres nothing wrong with it. most people around here use it. and you cant argue results.
and i am aware the sound is still atlantic ocean water. im just saying i dont take water from the sound.


Active Member
I have never in 3 years mixed salt water. I only buy it from the LFS. Tehy have a guy that pumps it from the ocean. I like it.


Thanks for your feedback! I will check with my lfs how they store their water. They only use it and their tanks are pristine. The water they sell you comes from an outlet outside the store, I am assuming they have it attached to some holding tanks. How fresh would their water need to be good before I buy it? Is it 3 days used after purchasing or 3 days from the ocean?


Active Member
in the winter i use this stuff called nutri-sea water. im sure that stuff sits around longer than 3 days before i put it in my tank. i dont see any ill effects though. it actually works pretty good imo.


Active Member
i wish a could have ocean water too
but its too much water to carry from lfs every month. imo ocean water are far more better than ro/di salt mix.aquarium of the pacific only use catalina water even in their sps tank display