Oceanic Biocube Skimmer questions


Active Member
I just got my skimmer 5 minutes ago, hooked it up and it seems to be a so-so skimmer. My question is, where do I keep the water level at?


Remove the collection cup, and then play with the air valve until you get a good solid set of bubbles coming up and just ever so slightly over the black cap, and collar that the collection cup sits on.
If you run the air too much heavier you'll end up with a cup full of water within a couple hours.
If its set right they seem to work really well. Ive seen them set up in some LFS's and producing some really nasty crud... and although mine is still new, its already starting to produce some good results.


Active Member
Yea its set at that water level, but Im getting some pretty rancid brownish water. Im getting a good amount of liquid, but I dont think its unnatural for it. Bubbles are set to be all the way they can.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AJ107
sounds like its running right then...
Awesome. The water level is a bit low, but the skimmer was slid down on the suction cups to adjust, and once I top it off tomorrow Ill move it back up. This cup is going to be so nasty in the morning, its about 1/4 filled now