Oceanic or AGA


New Member
Is Oceanic Aquarium worth the extra $ over AGA. Looking at bottom drilled ones. Oceanic seems twice the price.
Any opinions out there?


Active Member
I had an AGA 125, I upgraded to an Oceanic 135. It's a much nicer tank by far. The glass is thicker, the trims are thicker and nicer, mine has the smoked(tinted?) back glass, the only way to go IMO. The only thing with the Oceanic it the center bracing is glass, it gets mucked up and has to be kept clean. But not really a big deal. I dont know if they are all like this or not. However, I feel the AGA was a toy tank in comparison.... My 65 is an AGA, same quality as the 125 was, so are all the other tanks I've bought. Perfecto and AGA are about the same. While both of those are good tanks, IMO get the oceanic, it's worth the cash...


Active Member
im getting a perfecto but if i had the choice to get an oceanic i totally would. they look great.

angler man

Originally Posted by RMLD65
Is Oceanic Aquarium worth the extra $ over AGA. Looking at bottom drilled ones. Oceanic seems twice the price.
Any opinions out there?

I really like Oceanic, but I wouldn't pay double for the same tank. Oceanic has gotten a little cheezy since All Glass bought them out anyway.
I really hate their fake Stainless trims!


Active Member
Considering with the Size I am going to I have 2 choices Perfecto or custom Acrylic and with young kids that one is OUT I know which way I am going myself. I have had 6 Perfecto's never had a leak 3 AGA's 2 leaked right out of the freaking warrenty and hauled perfecto's AGA and Oceanic's when driving OTR trucks for a living. In order of breakage in shipment it went Oceanic we normally lost 15% or MORE on a load we knew it going into it and we hauled them on Air Ride trailers with blankets on them like a HHG carrier would then AGA 10% breakage again wrapped the same way perfecto 5% or less with out any special handling at ALL just load and go.