Originally Posted by reefernana
Never used either. I use Seachem's Reef Salt and never have to add anything extra.
I use reef salt and have to dose 90ml of Kent ProBuffer dKH daily and 30ml of reef complete calcium/mg two times a week to maintain a calcium of 420ppm, mg 1320, dKH of 8 and pH peak of 8.2. If I stop dKH drops right down to the 6-7 range and calcium slowly declines as well. I find at 1.025 reef salt test at Cal 440, dKH 8 and pH 8.2 so assuming calcium and carbonates are being depleted I will always have to dose or get a reactor using it. What works best is really going to be different from tank to tank. IO has low calcium 340ppm but has a dKH of 10 which is typical (low cal, high alk or high alk and low cal). If your calcium stays at 500 using oceanic which has been known to happen perhaps going thru a bucket of instant ocean will be best for that person. If you dont have lots of stony corals Oceanic is a terrible salt to use. I dont think its worth spending too much thought and energy on. If you have lots of stony corals or clams you are going to have to dose or use a reactor regardless of salt and if you dont you probably wont.