Oceanic Salt Users...


Active Member
So how many Oceanic salt users are back to using a different salt?? I switched back to IO on my last salt purchase... Oceanic was just to wacky for me... I can always add a little calcium, magnesium and alkalinity if needed...


Active Member
I tried the oceanic because I like the convenient pour conatainer. I did prefer the texture of Oceanic but ultimatly went back to IO over the calcium. Back to the crappy bags.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmamma
I tried the oceanic because I like the convenient pour conatainer. I did prefer the texture of Oceanic but ultimatly went back to IO over the calcium. Back to the crappy bags.

i also use IO however i just buy it in the large 5 gallon pails


Active Member
I may do that some day but my tanks are only 16 and 29 gallons so I do not go through that much salt.


I'm sticking with Oceanic, IO is just to wacky for me. Hope you understand.


My tank looks healthier and my coraline is much nicer when using the oceanic.I couldn't get oceanic last time and went with IO and things just didn't look as good.I am back to oceanic for good this time. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
I'm sticking with Oceanic, IO is just to wacky for me. Hope you understand.
I understand, with the experience you had with IO I wouldn't be so willing to go back either... that was a bad, bad situation.
ALERT to everyone, no matter the salt you are using... do some tests the first time you mix salt from a batch to insure it's safe.
The main reason I've gone away from Oceanic is my last batch had 1500ppm magnesium and like 650ppm calcium and around 8dkh alkalinity. That would have been no big deal in my old 110g but in doing a large water change on my 55g it had a large effect.


It wasn't just that bad situation, it was the constant having to dose to keep up with everything, even with dripping kalkwasser.
I dose much less when using Oceanic. I know that we both know every system is different and well, Oceanic is what works for me.....least for now.


Iv'e been thinking of using it for small water changes. Even though I currently use IO--it might be better to replenish with.


Active Member
I'm just in the process of switching over to Oceanic from IO. Not sure how I feel about it yet.
Lisa :happyfish


I've been using oceanic and have just recently though of trying IO again, but still a little hesitant.
What was your "wacky situation" Reefnut?? Cause if you had what I have then I'll know it's the salt...


I started with oceanic but with the unstable calcium level and constant low PH i switched to IO... everything is going great and thriving now... glad i made the switch!


Active Member
I used one bucket of Oceanic then switched to Tropic Marin. Before the Oceanic I was using. IO


Originally Posted by Shnabbles
I started with oceanic but with the unstable calcium level and constant low PH i switched to IO... everything is going great and thriving now... glad i made the switch!

exactly the opposite for me. I had to constantly dose when i used IO, but now that i have oceanic, my calcium is constantly 450, my alk is normal, and i have no fluctuations in my ph (except for day-to-night...)... I love oceanic.


I use oceanic I used io but my corals look beter with the oceanic.


Active Member
I use IO, but also have a pail of Oceanic that I got for free, so I do plan on changing over one of these days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
What was your "wacky situation" Reefnut?? Cause if you had what I have then I'll know it's the salt...

The main reason I've gone away from Oceanic is my last batch had 1500ppm magnesium and like 650ppm calcium and around 8dkh alkalinity. That would have been no big deal in my old 110g but in doing a large water change on my 55g it had a large effect.
This is what I meant by wacky.


I've used Tropic Marin since the beginning. I'm apprehensive about trying anything else.
One of my LFS's (or at least the one I spend the most at) stocks both Tropic Marine and IO. IO is a much better deal (and he has a "lot" of it), but when I asked which salt he used in the store system, he said Tropic Marine.
I figured if a professional with a whole store of IO was using Tropic Marine, there must be a good reason for it.