Oceanic Tanks????????

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
I recently tried to have a 55 gallon tank drilled with no luck, it shattered. Now im about to get a 58 gallon Oceanic Show Tank and try again.
Does anyone know if this tank is already tempered or has anyone had this tank drilled before at a local glass shop?????
If so anyone have any recommendations on a place to have it drilled in the DFW area???


No experience in this, but why don't you get a tank that is already drilled? It looks like you are about to buy another tank, buy one that is predrilled. Alot of LFS here in Dallas have them. Are they that much more expensive? How much do you think it will cost to get a tank drilled?
Just curious.

richard rendos

Active Member
Almost every tank made in glass has tempered glass bottom. You can drill the side but not the bottom. I agree with above...if you are buying a new tank, get a predrilled (reef ready) tank.


Oceanic has the same tank 58 show that is reef ready I would get the reef ready it is already pre drilled and if you buy there stand they give a 5 year waranty go RR imo.........


Two options, 1. Keep your $75 and get at reef-ready tank because attempting to drill this one will end-up like the first...that's 75 bucks down the drain. 2. Buy the 75$ and get an overflow box. Not the good choice but if you're on a tight budget, this will do. If I were you, I will get a reef-ready tank from the get-go.