ocellaris aggressiveness?


i had one of my ocellaris clowns die last week so that left me with only one ocellaris in the tank along with some snails and hermits. well, i went this weekend and got another ocellaris to add to the tank. the one fish had lived peacefully wiuth the other one and now he constantly charges the new fish and chases him around. there are no nips in the fins but it seems like he is always being harassed. is this normal? will it eventually die down? keep in mind the one has been by himself for only 2 days and was put in the tank originally with another fish so there would be no territory development. it is a 55 gal FOWLR. thanks for any experiences you can share with me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by trailer
i had one of my ocellaris clowns die last week so that left me with only one ocellaris in the tank along with some snails and hermits. well, i went this weekend and got another ocellaris to add to the tank. the one fish had lived peacefully wiuth the other one and now he constantly charges the new fish and chases him around. there are no nips in the fins but it seems like he is always being harassed. is this normal? will it eventually die down? keep in mind the one has been by himself for only 2 days and was put in the tank originally with another fish so there would be no territory development. it is a 55 gal FOWLR. thanks for any experiences you can share with me.
Move the rocks around and it will confuse the one that has been a long term tank resident. If he is preoccupied and feels like he is on new turf as well the aggression should lessen.
This is what I do when I introduce two fish that are alike and it seems to lessen the territorial issue.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by trailer
the new one is slightly smaller than the old one.
Then I'd definitely rearrange the rock then to throw the established off.
Why let another fish pick on a new tankmate when moving some rock around can help solve the problem.
Denise M.


Active Member
The fact that they are not the same size is good. But rearranging the rock would help some too. Keep an eye on them, they are just staking their claim in the tank. They should be fine and the bigger one will be the female. You have a nice size tank so all should be fine.


they might be like that for a couple of days but it should stop pretty soon. Mine were like that but they stopped so maybe it will be the same for you. like everyone said moving the lr around could help.