Ocellaris Clown Anemone


Hi, I would like to know what anemone you guys recommend for an ocellaris clown. I have heard by the guy at my lfs that has 25 years experience witrh saltwater that ritteri is best followed by stella cactus. But he told me ritteri are fragile and can die suddenly even if my tank was perfect just because they are that way. He then said Stella cactus are rare and very pricy. But he did say that sometimes ocellaris clowns will take to bubble tip but its 50:50. But he said rose bubbles have a little better chance than other bubbles. But i want to know what you think.
P.S. I have a condi anemone but clown doesn't care for it. The anemone is doing well though
Also here are some tank specs
Size: 55 gallons
Main Setup: Fish Tank (I'm going to get alot of live rock when I can to make it seem reef like)
Filter: Undergravel w/ powerfilter
Age: 4 months
Current creatures: Condi anemone, ocellaris clown, yellow belly damsel, cleaner shrimp, blue leg hermits, emerald crab, some turbo snails, and soon to have: blue hippo tang
Skimmer: none
Lighting: standard flouresant ( I am considering a 260w set of power compacts w/ 2 10,000k, 2 50:50, and moonlights)
Live rock: one rock ( I will get more soon)
Substrate: florida crushed coral
I realize I probably need a skimmer and those lights but i'll work on that.


Active Member
Hmmm ... you got an undergravel filter ? I'd get rid of that. No one really uses them in reef tanks anymore. Get rid of the power filters.and invest in a skimmer instead. Do you have a sump with an overflow box ?
Don't get a Hippo Tang or any Tangs - they need alot of swimming room and they require a minimum of 125 gallons and larger. Also, Tangs are very prone to ich. Triggers also require very large tanks as well.
Buy another clown of same species you have. They survive better in pairs than singularly.


Thanks for pointers on tank. I'll work on getting life support equipment for an anemone in general. But what about the chances of an ocellaris hosting a bubble tip anemone? Alos are rose bubbles any more attractive to the ocellaris clown than other bubble anemones?
p.s. My tank is a fish tank setup but i'm going to get some good pieces of live rock to make cool reef like formations for my fish/inverts.
also my condi anemone is doing well so I figure if I get the right equipment for other anemones they shouldn't do too bad.


Active Member
i would reccomend going for t5 lights instead of power compacts. like my 55 i have 216 watts of t5 which has the exact same PAR as two 150 watt metal halides


Active Member
Condis are dangerous for fish. Your clown may try to host it and it will appear to work but eventually the condi will kill it.


your lights wont support a bubble tip anemone so dont even bother, another thing you need to find out is if your clowns are tank raised or wild caught. tank raised ones have never been exposed to an anemone so they wont even know what to do with it , but i have had luck buying an wild caught clown and putting it with an tank raised clown and the wild caught one hosting and the tank raised one got the hint.


Thanks again but forget about the tank specs for now as I will get some good lights very soon. I just want to know now if a bubble or rose bubble will be hosted by an ocellaris? Or should I just go for a ritteri? Also I'll find out if my clown was wild or not.
p.s. my condi has not bothered anything so i'm not too worried about it. The clown pays no attention to it at all. He doesn't even look at it. Also can bubbles sting people? I thought only carpets could.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sebae09
your lights wont support a bubble tip anemone so dont even bother, another thing you need to find out is if your clowns are tank raised or wild caught. tank raised ones have never been exposed to an anemone so they wont even know what to do with it , but i have had luck buying an wild caught clown and putting it with an tank raised clown and the wild caught one hosting and the tank raised one got the hint.

Far from the truth


Active Member
Originally Posted by Soldier0117
Hi, I would like to know what anemone you guys recommend for an ocellaris clown. I have heard by the guy at my lfs that has 25 years experience witrh saltwater that ritteri is best followed by stella cactus. But he told me ritteri are fragile and can die suddenly even if my tank was perfect just because they are that way. He then said Stella cactus are rare and very pricy. But he did say that sometimes ocellaris clowns will take to bubble tip but its 50:50. But he said rose bubbles have a little better chance than other bubbles. But i want to know what you think.
P.S. I have a condi anemone but clown doesn't care for it. The anemone is doing well though
Also here are some tank specs
Size: 55 gallons
Main Setup: Fish Tank (I'm going to get alot of live rock when I can to make it seem reef like)
Filter: Undergravel w/ powerfilter
Age: 4 months
Current creatures: Condi anemone, ocellaris clown, yellow belly damsel, cleaner shrimp, blue leg hermits, emerald crab, some turbo snails, and soon to have: blue hippo tang
Skimmer: none
Lighting: standard flouresant ( I am considering a 260w set of power compacts w/ 2 10,000k, 2 50:50, and moonlights)
Live rock: one rock ( I will get more soon)
Substrate: florida crushed coral
I realize I probably need a skimmer and those lights but i'll work on that.

you shouldnt have anything in your tank, unless it is a fish or a shrimp, crab or snail. your lighting is not even close to what you need for anemones or coral. that condi is as good as dead


I'm getting some vho lights soon either PC or T-5. However could people just tell me about clowns and anemones instead of commenting on my tank please. But could someone tell me what anemones are good for ocellaris and if they will host BTAs or rose BTAs?


They are just trying to keep you from making a mistake. Keep serching this section & see what other people are using. I've had a sebae anemone & my clowns never paid any attention to it.My book says, long tentacle,bulb tip, ritteri,malu, ect. getting them to accept is going to be pure luck.


i would use t-5 they have more PAR than VHO's, you should get Flankers attention he knows the most about t-5 lights.


Active Member
Hmmmm, I kept a condi for years in a tank with a 15w incandescent bulb. I had a Sebae Carpet in a 24" tall tank with 2 40w fluorescents, a Hagen AquaGlo and a Magtinic. It grew to the size of the open space on the bottom within a year and I had it for at least 10 years.

reef diver

Active Member
You sound like youve done your research, but if you are going to get a different anemone for your clown, you need to get rid of the condi. Bta's are really easy to care for. But they still require lots of lighting. You can use flourecents, just make sure you have enough of them to accumulate the right amount of light. I use power compacts.Anemone on its 3-4th month in the tank, and it has gotten greener and greener.

reef diver

Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
you shouldnt have anything in your tank, unless it is a fish or a shrimp, crab or snail. your lighting is not even close to what you need for anemones or coral. that condi is as good as dead
Not neccesarily, the how much flourecent lighting do you have. And to the person earlier 26o watts of PC is plenty for a BTA.


Originally Posted by sebae09
your lights wont support a bubble tip anemone so dont even bother, another thing you need to find out is if your clowns are tank raised or wild caught. tank raised ones have never been exposed to an anemone so they wont even know what to do with it , but i have had luck buying an wild caught clown and putting it with an tank raised clown and the wild caught one hosting and the tank raised one got the hint.
I bought two tank raised and a bubble tip about a week later and the tank raised clows hosted in it the second day it was in the tank- :joy:


Thank you for anemone help. Also I did appreciate people telling me about what I need, But I just wanted to talk about ocellaris clowns and anemones because i guessed I would need some more stuff anyway. But why would I need to sell my condi? he doesn't bother anything right now. In fact my cleaner shrimp likes him. Also just to clarify. would an OCELLARIS clown host a bubble tip anemone (Caps are just to catch attention). And are rose bubbles better than regular bubbles for an ocellaris?