Hi, I would like to know what anemone you guys recommend for an ocellaris clown. I have heard by the guy at my lfs that has 25 years experience witrh saltwater that ritteri is best followed by stella cactus. But he told me ritteri are fragile and can die suddenly even if my tank was perfect just because they are that way. He then said Stella cactus are rare and very pricy. But he did say that sometimes ocellaris clowns will take to bubble tip but its 50:50. But he said rose bubbles have a little better chance than other bubbles. But i want to know what you think.
P.S. I have a condi anemone but clown doesn't care for it. The anemone is doing well though
Also here are some tank specs
Size: 55 gallons
Main Setup: Fish Tank (I'm going to get alot of live rock when I can to make it seem reef like)
Filter: Undergravel w/ powerfilter
Age: 4 months
Current creatures: Condi anemone, ocellaris clown, yellow belly damsel, cleaner shrimp, blue leg hermits, emerald crab, some turbo snails, and soon to have: blue hippo tang
Skimmer: none
Lighting: standard flouresant ( I am considering a 260w set of power compacts w/ 2 10,000k, 2 50:50, and moonlights)
Live rock: one rock ( I will get more soon)
Substrate: florida crushed coral
I realize I probably need a skimmer and those lights but i'll work on that.
P.S. I have a condi anemone but clown doesn't care for it. The anemone is doing well though
Also here are some tank specs
Size: 55 gallons
Main Setup: Fish Tank (I'm going to get alot of live rock when I can to make it seem reef like)
Filter: Undergravel w/ powerfilter
Age: 4 months
Current creatures: Condi anemone, ocellaris clown, yellow belly damsel, cleaner shrimp, blue leg hermits, emerald crab, some turbo snails, and soon to have: blue hippo tang
Skimmer: none
Lighting: standard flouresant ( I am considering a 260w set of power compacts w/ 2 10,000k, 2 50:50, and moonlights)
Live rock: one rock ( I will get more soon)
Substrate: florida crushed coral
I realize I probably need a skimmer and those lights but i'll work on that.