ocellaris clown


I just picked up a single ocellaris today and I'm wondering, when I add another one does it have to be a similar size?


Active Member
If it's a small juvenile, then adding one of the same size is okay. If the clown is a bit larger, add a smaller specimen. The larger will exert dominance but likely won't harm the smaler of the two. In time, they should form a bonded pair.

crypt keeper

Active Member
the larger clown will turn female and the smaller will stay male. Wait till your clown grows some size then add a smaller one. Then like stated above.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
the larger clown will turn female and the smaller will stay male. Wait till your clown grows some size then add a smaller one. Then like stated above.
The clown I have is about 2" is that big enough to add a small one? Can I add a true perc with my ocellaris?


New Member
i had the same question like a week ago and noone could help me but at this point in time i have a true and a false and they were fighting but now the smaller of the two has given up so now everything is good and now im just waiting for them to mate so you should be fine just watch them and see whats up if it gets to bad (the fighting that is) take one out. hope that helped.


Originally Posted by kevindouglas3
i had the same question like a week ago and noone could help me but at this point in time i have a true and a false and they were fighting but now the smaller of the two has given up so now everything is good and now im just waiting for them to mate so you should be fine just watch them and see whats up if it gets to bad (the fighting that is) take one out. hope that helped.
Yes thanks that does help. From what I hear the early fighting is just to assert dominance and is usual behavior between clowns when another is first introduced, but usually no harm is done. (Thanks nicetry)
I do need to know if 2" is big enough to get a smaller clown or should I look for another 2 incher?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bpro32
The clown I have is about 2" is that big enough to add a small one? Can I add a true perc with my ocellaris?
Mixing clown species (almost, because its done sometimes) usually results in only one survivor.


I have a 2 inch Perc, and I just added a 1 1/2 inch perc tonight and it took all of about 3 minutes for them to start swimming side by side which amazed me because the previous little one I added (about 3/4 inch) was chased for almost 2 days before they started getting along. But then the little guy got eaten by a large porcupne puffer my mom bought as a surprise....SURPRISE... it ate my little clown in about 2 hours...but I digress.....
These two seems to immediately take to each other with very little twitching...
So I'm guessing every pair is different?....hope this one produces little nemo's