ocellaris from samatra?


I was at my local fish store, and picked up two ocellaris clowns today. A couple days ago I called the lfs to see what type of clownfish they had. The guy told me what they had and then he said samatra clownfish, and he told me they were 15.99(so the average price of an ocellaris). I figured thats what they were, and I went in today, and it was a different guy helping me with the fish, than the guy on the phone. On the tank they were in it said sumatra clownfish-15.99, true percula clownfish-24.99. So I saw what looked like 3 ocellaris clowns hosting the anemones that were in the tank. When the guy was getting the fish I wanted to clarify they were ocellaris clowns, so I asked him and he said yes they were(I know this guy is very knowledgible about fish, because I have worked with him before). I am trying to determine if these clowns are wild, and if they are, can they be from samatra? Im sure they are wild because all of the clowns were hosting an anemone, and I know tank bred clowns arent as likely to host.


I've heard the A. ocellaris available from Sumatra are more brown then orange, any truth to that from what you saw?


You know what, I think you are right. The clowns I got do seem a little more brown compared to all of the ocellaris' Ive seen before,and the others that I see online.


Active Member
The last page of my thread has pictures of an ocellaris in my DT. This is a Sumatra Ocellaris, I saw the order sheet when it was shipped to my LFS. Not sure if this helps or not.