

New Member
i just purchased a 80g reef with an octipus and fish. i know nothing of octipus...what is the general concensus?


Active Member
octopi need excellent water and tight fitting secure lids, and often are very aggressive so most fish put in with them do not have a very good chances for survival(some are not this bad, but most are) or the fish would be big and aggressive enouhg tho turn the tables, but the odds are we can't keep both in for long
they also need good skimming and lots of rock wiht caves adn most like coarser substrates
use caution not to spook it, and approcah slowly, if spooked it will spray ink, which is often lethal to itself and many fish
other than that, they are very intelligent and can normally find a way out of most tanks(if there is any) all it needs is a small opening or a lid it can move(strong too), and oftne can be trained for hand feeding once it gets to know you


I actually saw my first one in a petstore on Thursday. Maybe this will tell you alittle something on what I saw. It was in a clear tupperware container (withholes of course) had 3 rubber bands around it to keep the lid on and also one heavy rock on top of it from there. and the store owner still checked on it ALL the time. All I have to say is from what I have read in the past and what I saw on thursday... GOOD LUCK keeping it in your tank.....


There was a pretty good article in aquarium fish magazine (march issue) on the octopus. The thing that stuck in my mind was most don't live more than a couple of years. If you can't find the article, I'll read through it, and post the important stuff out of it. Lemme know.

sinner's girl

"Saltwater=Lots of $$$$ =no dates =angry wife to-be =more time with the fish" that's why you include the girl in on the tank...that's what my guy did...now i spend more time on it then he does...let her name a fish, or buy her a fish she likes (let her learn if the one she wants will work with your tank), take her "on dates" to the lfs to look at all the fish.


New Member
I have been researching getting an octo for several months and have found a few helpful links.
<a href="http://is.dal.ca/~ceph/TCP/sources.html" target="_blank">http://is.dal.ca/~ceph/TCP/sources.html</a>
<a href="http://www.tonmo.com" target="_blank">http://www.tonmo.com</a>
<a href="http://reefcentral.com" target="_blank">http://reefcentral.com</a>
Also go to <a href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank">http://www.google.com</a> and search for octopus aquarium. There is quite a bit of info from other aquarist who have kept octo's.