OCTOPUS 150 problems


New Member
I just put a nw150 in my 20l sump on my 65 rr dt and the water temp went from 78 to 83.5 in about 6 hours. Already did alot of trial and error. Its not the heater or light cause the were unplugged. Tried another thermometer still the same. Air tem in the house is 73. Any suggestions would be great.

devil dog

Active Member
Is the pump working right? I think you can have that in your sump or out take it out and see if the temp drops... I know my pump gets hot... can you take it out?


Active Member
do you have a kilowatt meter to see how many watts the pump is running at??
The pump should run around 40 watts, which is nowhere near enough to heat your tank that much.
Have you mesh modded or altered the pump at all?? If so, you may have it running way too hot.