octopus bh 1000


Active Member
just got this last friday to replace the remora pro i sold to my next door neighbor. what a great skimmer! it is nicely built and produce good skimmate within hours. thanx for the advice, mr x!


Originally Posted by nycbob
its going on my 150 fowlr. if its good and durable, i will get one for my reef too.

That is a lot of tank for the BH-1000.
If your reef is over 90 gallons I might consider the 800S. Other than cheap pumps the BH 300F is also a good skimmer for large tanks.


Active Member
i do pretty large water change weekly. not much skimmate even if the remora pro. so i figure i can go with the bh 1000.


Originally Posted by nycbob
i do pretty large water change weekly. not much skimmate even if the remora pro. so i figure i can go with the bh 1000.
Good point, I am sure the water changes will take a lot of load off the skimmer. I tend to over do things, I have the 800S on a 46 gallon tank.

Is the skimmer quiet with the external pump? I was always afraid the external would make more noise than a pump submersed in water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cveverly
That is a lot of tank for the BH-1000.
If your reef is over 90 gallons I might consider the 800S. Other than cheap pumps the BH 300F is also a good skimmer for large tanks.

the tank must not be heavily relying on skimming (a remora pro on a 150g). the BH-1000 is good for about 35-45 gallons on a well stocked tank (based on what the octopus NW-110/PS and TS-120 are capable of with the same pump but considerably larger reaction chambers). I always say you can have the best equipment and still have a crappy tank and lousy equipment and a beautiful tank, its the owner of the tank that makes the difference.
I like the BH-2000 over the 300F. the single pump is actually rated at a higher capacity then the two resun pumps (530gph vs 225x2), same 38w total consumption, body size almost identicle, price within $10 of each other but most importantly more reliable and better located pump. I agree though over 90g the 800S is one of only about 3 or 4 "true" HOB designed to handle that type of capacity.


Active Member
yes, water change and surface agitation r very important. the octopus bh1000 is very quiet with the external pump. i wish there was more info that came with the skimmer. i had to figure out where the parts go after receiving it. very good skimmer i must admit for the price $150. the site i got it from says its rated for 90 gallon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cveverly
That is a lot of tank for the BH-1000.
If your reef is over 90 gallons I might consider the 800S. Other than cheap pumps the BH 300F is also a good skimmer for large tanks.

the tank must not be heavily relying on skimming (a remora pro on a 150g). the BH-1000 is good for about 45-50 gallons on a average stocked tank (based on what the octopus NW-110/PS and TS-120 are capable of with the same pump). I always say you can have the best equipment and still have a crappy tank and lousy equipment and a beautiful tank, its the owner of the tank that makes the difference.
I like the BH-2000 over the 300F. the single pump is actually rated at a higher capacity then the two resun pumps (530gph vs 225x2), same 38w total consumption, body size almost identicle, price within $10 of each other but most importantly more reliable and better located pump. I agree though over 90g the 800S is one of only about 3 or 4 "true" HOB designed to handle that type of capacity.


Originally Posted by Stanlalee

I like the BH-2000 over the 300F. the single pump is actually rated at a higher capacity then the two resun pumps
I have not seen the BH-2000 so I am hesitant to offer suggestions on it. I agree the Octo 2000 pump is far better than the Resun pumps. I would love to see the 2000 in action. The design looks a lot better than the old 100 and 300 series.


Active Member
ok, will do tmo. i hv to empty out the cup every 2 days with thick skimmate. very nice skimmer thus far.


Active Member
bad news. i found water all over my floor tonite. apparently the airtube came loose off the external pump of the skimmer. very very upset to say the least. will attempt to return this skimmer after 2 weeks of use, for the internal pump version. the skimmer is great, but the external pump is built, leaves lots of room for a leak.


Active Member
got it to work again. communicated with someone at coralvue, and they told me to use teflon tape at the thread to stop the leak. will post pic tmo.