Octopus NW-200 Protein Skimmer


Active Member
Does anyone else have this skimmer? I just started mine up and I was wonering how long it takes for it to start skimming. Also is there a way to adjust the foam height?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Does anyone else have this skimmer? I just started mine up and I was wonering how long it takes for it to start skimming. Also is there a way to adjust the foam height?
I have one, and it really depends on your stocklist and where the skim is set as to how long it'll take. The black tube that sticks up where water returns to the sump is your gauge for how high the foam goes. There's an exterior tube that slides up and down the ******** one. Simply slide this tube up a bit until your skim is where you want. It'll likely be really tight if it's new, but it does slide.


Active Member
Thanks a lot for the help. I slid the tube pretty much as high at it would go and the foam isnt overflowing into the collection cup. Will the foam eventually build up enougn to get into the collection cup? The only thing in the tank is live rock and sand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Thanks a lot for the help. I slid the tube pretty much as high at it would go and the foam isnt overflowing into the collection cup. Will the foam eventually build up enougn to get into the collection cup? The only thing in the tank is live rock and sand.
It will eventually, but with no fish there likely won't be much to collect, unless you've got a really wet skim going, in which case you'll likely just get water for a while. Keep an eye on it and if it's too wet, lower the tube a bit until it's just right. You probably won't find the right setting until you're all stocked tho. If it helps, I have the tube in mine level with the part just below the connection between the skimmer and the collection cup.


Active Member
monk is correct.....it will take it a few days to settle in. And you have no bioload so, there is nothing for it to skim.


Active Member
Well there is dieoff from the live rock. It is curing as it is cycling the tank. Arent you supposed to run the skimmer during the cycle?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
Well there is dieoff from the live rock. It is curing as it is cycling the tank. Arent you supposed to run the skimmer during the cycle?
Most people don't. The junk that usually gets collected is dissolved detritus in the water, though there will be the smallest bit of broken down food, but during a cycle you won't get much at all.


Anyone know the prices on the Octopus Skimmers ? Are they better than the superskimmer by coralife ? and the skimmers by Berlin ? Thanks.


Active Member
I think that octopus, euro reef, and ASM are the top skimmer brands. I dont know much about euro reef but I have heard people say that they like octopus better than ASM. My octopus was around $200.


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
Most people don't. The junk that usually gets collected is dissolved detritus in the water, though there will be the smallest bit of broken down food, but during a cycle you won't get much at all.
So running the skimmer now wouldnt do any damage would it? Nothing could happen to the skimmer if there isnt much to skim?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
So running the skimmer now wouldnt do any damage would it? Nothing could happen to the skimmer if there isnt much to skim?
It'll be fine if you run it now, nothing to worry about, most people just don't run it during a cycle because it saves energy to leave it off when there's not much benefit to letting it run.


Active Member
the only benefit of running it now is that it will already be broken in. I am breaking one in right now for a new 65 gallon that I dont even have yet....LOL