octopus question


i was talking to the owner of my favorite local fish store about the idea of an octopus. he said if i was considering one i should go for it the most difficult thing was "escape proofing" my tank he recomended a 20-30 gal. nano cube so basically i just wanted to get some peoples thought (who have experience with them). also are there any that are small but not nocturnal? ***)


Active Member
well really octo proofing and keeping water levels pristine, oversizing the skimmer help. oh and the only octo u could keep in a 30 would be a dwarf, which if conditions wer right would only last a year at most


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I think the smaller tank would be better because they are easier to octoproof. Id get a bimac, even though they do get a little large for a 20-30g tank, but not so large as to be inhumane. Plastic like what you use as tablecloth protectors can be cut and duct taped over any holes and worked well for me. Lots of rockwork, fine sandbed, and a stead supply of live invert foods are a must. Any type of snail or shrimp will work, but make sure you have access to a large supply as the octopus wont be easy to feed until its comfortable in its suroundings. Mass quantities of dirt cheap nassarius snails from our favorite

site works well.