Octopus Question


So who here has a octopus in their tanks? I've heard they are like Houdini..If you have one, what kind of tank set up do you have?


Active Member
I have one. They are definately escape artists and you need your tank secured. They can fit through pretty much any hole down to like a little smaller than a pencil eraser and they will try getting out eventually, there's no if really. Mine has already tried escaping sevral times and I haven't even had it long. All of my glass covers have clear duck tape holding them down and I have plastic covers over the back where the glass ends which is also held down with tape and string. I also found out that they like to squirt water through tiny cracks. I haven't actually caught it doing it yet but I always am finding water around the tank so if it is possible I would cover the whole top with a solid peice of acrillic or something. hope this helps


Active Member
New drilled octopus tank:
J-pipe fitted with extension to keep the octopus from being sucked down the overflow. Just an extension of PVC with an end cap on it, has hundreds of 1/8th inch holes drilled in it.

The lid is a solid piece of 1/4 inch acrylic. It adheres to the rim of the tank with velcro.



Active Member
Current octopus tank setup:
I used the back half of the glass lids to cover the back half of the top. I used window screen to cover the front half for ventilation and heat reduction. The screen is held in place with duct tape.

Since this tank isn't drilled I use HOB equipment; a refugium and skimmer. To fill in the gaps between the equipment and lids I used styrofoam cut to fit, wedged in tight, and taped into place with duct tape. All gaps, holes, and spaces where the octopus could climb through are also covered with duct tape.

The ugliness of this setup is why I would suggest using a drilled tank.